Frequently Asked Questions

What am I buying?

This is money from old PayPal accounts that are already forgotten. Choose how much money you need - we will send you that money.

What is this site?

In the past we worked with bank accounts, now we mainly deal with PayPal accounts. We have come up with a method to get into old PayPal accounts. Many of them contain money. There are a large number of them, so we cannot withdraw them all. That's why we need you people.

How long does it take for my money to arrive?

The money usually arrives within 10 minutes. (if we are not at the computer at the moment, it may take until the end of the day).

My PayPal is Chinese / Dutch / German... Will it work?

Yes. PayPal is an international company, so the currency conversion to yours will happen automatically.

How many transfers can I buy on my one PayPal email? (account).

We do not recommend more than 3. It is better to choose a higher amount and use the whole process only 1x, rather than buying a transfer several times to 1 PayPal account.

What can be bought from you?

We have offered various hacking software in the past. We currently only offer PayPal money transfers, but in the future we'll get back to programming the custom software you've loved..

I didn't receive the payment. What should I do?

1x out of 100 cases, an mistake will happen. Yes, we are only human too. Just write to us. Above all, don't panic. We'll figure it out :).

I have more questions

Please contact support if you have any more questions.